Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kikay Critques

Today, I showed a my blog to Jowan and Aza (who makes jewelries as well.) I'm glad they liked my work. These two artists are friends whose crafts I look up to. They are my batch mates in art school.

They both liked my Cherries and silvers earrings. It's good because, it's one of my favorite too!My friends have the perfect taste! Jo asked me how much the earrings are amd screams, 'WOW!' over yahoo messenger. I asked, 'Wow what?' She goes, 'It's perfect for my boho skirt!' It's interesting how some of my good friends are such Kikays!

A part of me wants to keep all of the pieces that I'm doing because they are my first works. I've always been possessive when it comes to art that I create. I know I have to work on this. Money and art is something that I seriously have to come to terms with. Urgh!

I've been working on more wires entangling these days. Still need to take photos of them. I know you'll love them so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait for your new ones! i had fun yesterday supah!
